Saturday, August 22, 2009

Last night in the United States


This is my first official post- and it is the night before I depart on the long 22 hour trek to Wuhan, China. It has been a somewhat tense last few days, as I realized 2 days ago that my visa was not complete and needed to be brought to the Chinese embassy in San Francisco! After a brief panic attack, my dad saved the day by finding a service that would take care of going to the embassy for me and getting my visa completed in 2 days (for a small fee, of course). So after holding my breathe for the last 2 days, I breathed a HUGE sigh of relief today when we got a call that it had arrived! Technology is amazing, Fed Ex is amazing, my dad is AMAZING! Now I'm all set to go, and am assured that after that little catastrophe nothing else could seem quite as critical!