Sincerely yours,Alicia Cruz
I recently received this e-mail from someone who found my resume online. I don’t know if it’s just the teacher in me, but this thing is almost painful for me to read! Misspelled words, incorrect grammar, etc etc etc!! I don’t know if I was this anal before, but these things drive me nuts now! Going on facebook is a daily struggle to hold my tongue (or “fingers”) and not correct every English mistake I read…and there are a lot. I’ve been thinking lately- has our educational system gone down, or have we just gotten lazy? My 4th graders here know the difference between their, they’re and there- yet more than 50% of the time it seems that Americans do not. And I am especially surprised that that is the case because new technology makes it so easy to spell and grammar check just about everything we write! Now I am not claiming to be the best speller around…we Molans are good at many things- spelling is not always one of them ;) As embarrassing as this is to admit, I get called out on spelling mistakes I make on the board during class quite often- by both my 4th graders AND my 1st graders. Talk about humbling! But it just reminds me of how important it is to know, first and foremost, my own language! I’m actually learning a lot of things about English that I never knew. When subjects like “when to use ‘more’ and when to add ‘er” (i.e. more important vs. importanter) I have to look it up because I don’t know the rule off the top of my head. Today I was teaching plurals to my 4th graders and I was thinking “this language is so crazy! Why would the plural of ‘box’ be ‘boxes’ but the plural of ‘ox’ is ‘oxen’. Sometimes I just have to contend with telling them “I don’t know why this is- it just is!”
I have a great new respect for teachers everywhere!
Besides critiquing the English language, here are some other things I've been up to lately:

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